Arthroscopic Procedures

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure orthopaedic surgeons use to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint, an endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision.
- Day care procedure
- Minimally invasive
- Key hole surgery
- Earlier rehab
- Earlier return to work
- Minimal scar & better cosmetics
- Complete recovery
- MPFL (Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction)
MPFL reconstruction is a surgery in which a new medial patellofemoral ligament is created to stabilize the knee and help protect the joint from additional damage. It offers an excellent treatment option for people who have experienced more than one dislocation.
- ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction)
The torn anterior cruciate ligament can reconstruct with hamstring graft by arthroscopic procedure. The goal is to get your knee stable again and give it the full range of motion it had before you got hurt.
Doctors typically use arthroscopic surgery on your ACL. This means they insert tiny tools and a camera through small cuts around your knee. There’s less scarring of the skin with this method than with open-knee surgery
- PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction)
The posterior cruciate ligament, or PCL, is the strongest ligament of the knee. While the anterior cruciate ligament or ACL is injured more often than the PCL and is more commonly discussed, a torn PCL accounts for more than 20% of reported knee injuries. The ACL sits in front of the PCL location in the knee. A torn PCL is commonly missed and left undiagnosed.
The posterior cruciate ligament’s most important function is to prevent posterior translation of the knee at higher knee flexion angles. Thus, patients commonly complaining of problems with deceleration, problems going downstairs and inclines or general twisting, turning or pivoting activities.
In a partial meniscectomy, the surgeon removes as little of the meniscus as possible. Unstable meniscal fragments are removed, and the remaining meniscus edges are smoothed so that there are no frayed ends.
Loose bodies, also known as joint mice, are mostly associated with the osteochondral lesion, osteochondritis dissecans, joint degeneration, and synovial chondromatosis. Clinically, pain and intermittent locking, with or without swelling and effusion of the knee, are often found in patients with loose bodies, Arthroscopy is considered to be the standard technique for loose body removal in the knee
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that form a cuff over the shoulder joint. These muscles and tendons hold the arm in its joint and help the shoulder joint to move. The tendons can be torn from overuse or injury.
Rotator cuff repair is surgery to repair a torn tendon in the shoulder. The procedure can be done with shoulder arthroscopy, which uses smaller incisions.
Subacromial decompression is a relatively non-invasive arthroscopic procedure to treat subacromial impingement syndrome. Subacrominal impingement is a condition where the rotator cuff tendon is pinched between the humeral head and the under surface of the acromion. It’s usually done through keyhole surgery (arthroscopy). You might also hear subacromial decompression referred to as ‘acromioplasty’.
A Bankart Repair is a procedure to prevent recurring anterior shoulder dislocations due to instability in the shoulder.
A Bankart injury occurs when an initial shoulder dislocation damages the anterior glenoid labrum of the shoulder joint. The labrum is a thick band of cartilage that lines the glenoid (socket). This attaches to the bone and helps keep the ball of the humerus in place. When the labrum is torn or stretched, a pocket forms at the front of the glenoid. This creates room for the humeral head to slip out of the socket.
If you have a Bankart injury, your shoulder surgeon may perform a minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure to repair the damaged labrum.
Shoulders that dislocate following traumatic injuries need to have the damaged and torn structures repaired. Many patients have only cartilage torn however, some patients have segments of bone broken or worn away from the front of the shoulder.
If this is the case then the shoulder is frequently highly unstable. If a large segment of bone is missing from the front of the shoulder then it needs to be reconstructed.
The best way to do this is with a latarjet procedure. In a latarjet procedure the coracoid process is transferred to the front of the shoulder joint to the neck of the scapula.